Saving Dogs Lives Rescue

Foster Care Application

Saving Dogs' Lives Rescue

A nonprofit (501 )(c)(3) animal rescue organization

EIN: 99-1073319
Ca. Entity ID: 6052139

96 Springstowne Center Suite B Vallejo, Ca 94591

96 Springstowne Center Suite B Vallejo, Ca 94591 Phone # (707)319-7345, (408)205-6544

Foster Care Application

Foster Application

"*" indicates required fields

Your Contact Information:
Your Foster Interests:
Animals Options*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
How much time do you have to devote as a foster parent?
Indicate all that apply:
Do you have plan to be away for an extended period of time in the next six months vacationlbusiness trip)?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Do you have children living at home full or part time? Indicate number of each that apply:*
Type of residence (circle all that apply):*
Fenced yard. If so, what is the height of the fence Unfenced yard. Is there a secured gate?*
Do you have permission from the property owner to have an animal?*
Do you have a separate room available for your foster animal?*
If yes, please circle:*
Can you provide any of the following? (please circle all that apply): Cats and dogs*
Please list any pets in your household:
Please carefully read and initial the following statements. By your initials and signature below, you agree to abide by each of these guidelines:*
I acknowledge that I have read, fully understand and fully agree each statement under SDL Foster Care Agreement.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Foster's Waiver of Liability
Saving Dogs' Lives (SDL) is responsible for the veterinary care of the foster dog(s) unless the condition is the result of negligence or lack of care by the foster. Foster waives the right to sue and promises to hold harmless the rescue organization, its board members, its volunteers, its directors in the event of any bite or injury, destruction of property caused by the foster dog(s). Should any incident happen, foster must return the animal immediately upon request. Foster does not have the right to give away, euthanize, surrender the animal to the shelter, to someone else, or to another rescue organization.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
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